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About this object

  • Maker:

    Broom, Christina

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • The Sweets Stall at The Women's Exhibition, Prince's Skating Rink, May 1909. The two week Women's Exhibition was organised by the Women's Social and Political Union as both a fund and profile raising event. Over fifty stalls, decorated in purple, white and green displayed a variety of items for sale that had been donated or made by Suffragettes. To capitalise on the fund raising potential of the event every stall was expected to display goods at least to the value of £100. Plans for the sweet stall were announced in Votes for Women as early as February. In the 11th February edition of the newspaper an appeal was made for 3 kinds of donation to the stall - home made sweets, 'the most acceptable of all if well made' and prettily packed in boxes tied in the colours of the Union, bought sweets which must be sent in boxes and thirdly donations of money for purchasing sweets, boxes and ribbons. All contributions were to be sent to WSPU Headquarters. Once the exhibition was open the sweets stall was boosted by a generous donation by the Cookery School, Brompton who provided all sweets for the day. Standing alongside the suffragettes running the sweets stall, can be seen Emmeline Pankhurst, to the right of the image. At the top a partial view of the murals designed by Sylvia Pankhurst that decorated the walls of the hall.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    1/2 plate

  • Materials


  • Last Updated



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