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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Souvenir paper table napkin printed to commemorate the Votes for Women Great Procession from the Embankment to Albert Hall, Saturday 18 June 1910. The napkin includes images of the leaders of the Women's Social and Political Union who organised the event. Souvenir napkins or 'handkerchiefs' were printed for every large public event, ceremony or procession that occured in London from the early to mid 20th century. The squares were imported into London from Japan and pre-printed with a decorative border in up to 5 colours & a blank central area. They would have been sold for about 1 penny by street traders lining the route of the event. The fact that such napkins were produced as souvenirs for all the major suffragette processions indicates that these were high profile spectacular events that attracted huge crowds and had a major impact on London life during this period.

  • Measurements

    H 398 mm; W 395 mm

  • Materials

    paper; ink

  • Last Updated



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