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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    Medieval; 12th-15th century

  • Location:

    In Store

  • Medieval zoomorphic mount, cast in the shape of a winged beast, resembling a miniature gargoyle. The mount is flat on the underside of the beast where it would sit on the leather or fabric strap and there is a rivet hole through the back of the beast for attachment. The rivet hole is sunk so that the head of the rivet would sit flat against the back of the beast. The winged beast is depicted lying on its stomach with head outstretched and wings folded against its body. The wings are decorated with repeated engraved lines. The head is aligned so the chin is resting flat and the mouth is open forming a shallow slot; the eyes and ears are depicted.

  • Measurements

    L 15.2 mm; W 6.2 mm; T 3.6 mm; WT 1.12 g

  • Materials

    copper alloy

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


Record quality:

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