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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Skirt from a day dress in pale silver-grey silk, warp printed with a design of branches covered in leaves and flowers. These are in varying shades of light mauve and deep lilac, with fawn overprinting in grey, giving a greenish colour. The pleated frills which trim the edges of the open sleeves and the bodice are in sage green silk taffeta to match the inverted V shaped pleated inserts at the hem. Fawn braid trims both bodice and hem and the bow at the neckline is in pale greeny-grey silk ribbon.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    L 1150 mm (centre front); L 1340 mm (centre back); C 690 mm (waist), L 1310 mm (overall); C 680 mm (waist); W 1940 mm (skirt full extent) (overall)

  • Materials

    silk; cotton; metal

  • Last Updated



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