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About this object

  • Maker:

    Lawrence, Thomas

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    On Display: Museum of London Docklands: London, Sugar and Slavery

  • George Hibbert's father and grandfather were merchants in Manchester while an uncle was a leading planter and merchant in Jamaica. In 1780, with money granted upon his coming-of-age, he moved to London and joined Hibbert, Purrier & Horton, a firm led by two of his elder brothers which was ultimately terminated in 1815. He and his brothers formed a further commercial partnership in the 1790s and George Hibbert remained deeply involved with both. Between 1798 and 1803 he was an Alderman of the City of London and in 1799 he was a founding Director of the West India Dock Company which built the West India Docks on the Isle of Dogs. These docks provided secure storage for goods arriving from the West Indies. He was a leading proponent of the docks’ construction, was several times elected Chairman of the Court of Directors and a member of several of the Company’s sub-committees.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    H 2440 mm; W 1470 mm

  • Materials

    oil; canvas

  • Last Updated





    long-term loan


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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