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About this object

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    In Store

  • Emily Katherine Willoughby Marshall, known as 'Kitty' served her first sentence in Holloway for suffragette militancy in November 1910 after throwing a potato at the fanlight window over the front door of the Home Secretary, Winston Churchill. The following year she spent 10 days in prison for her part in a deputation to the House of Commons and in 1912 was sent to Holloway with over 200 other suffragettes for taking part in the window-smashing campaign. Kitty was part of Emmeline Pankhurst's bodyguard that were trained in jujitsu and carried Indian Clubs to protect the Suffragette leader. In 1913 Kitty, in her role as bodyguard, was again arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer during the rearrest of Emmeline Pankhurst at the London Pavilion. Kitty's first marriage ended in divorce in 1901, her husband having infected her with a sexually transmitted disease. She re-married in 1904 and her involvement in the campaign was dependent on the support of her second husband Arthur Marshall. As a solicitor Arthur proved very useful to the militant Votes for Women campaign and regularly acted on behalf of arrested suffragettes.
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  • Measurements

    H 220 mm; W 170 mm (as displayed) (overall)

  • Materials


  • Last Updated



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