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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    1651; 17th century

  • Location:

    In Store

  • William Lilly (1602-1681) was an astrologer who claimed he could tell the future. In this book, ‘Monarchy or No Monarchy’, published in 1651, he printed several pictures which he used to predict various events, including the Great Plague and the Great Fire. There are two pictures relating to the fire - one shows a city by a river burning and the other depicts a pair of twins hanging over a fire (Gemini was held to be the ruling star sign for London). On 25 October 1666 Lilly was called before the Commons Committee investigating the fire to explain his visions, as they suspected his involvement in a plot. He admitted to making the predictions but said he had not known the dates and was released. Many other predictions about the Great Fire had been made throughout the 1600s.
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  • Measurements

    H 202 mm; W 152 mm (closed), W 290 mm (max, open); T 20 mm, H 202 mm; W 153 mm (closed), W 290 mm (open), T 24 mm (overall)

  • Materials


  • Last Updated



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