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About this object

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  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Samuel Rolle's second book on the Great Fire of London, published in 1668, deals with the rebuilding of London. Its purpose is 'to promote the building and prosperity of London'. He lists the hindrances to rebuilding and offers remedies for these, and advice on how to get help from various different authorities (from God to judges and craftsmen). He promises to try not to dwell on melancholy things but still gives an insight into the terrible state of London in 1668. He describes it as 'the ruinous heap, or that Chaos which we now call London'. Rolle nevertheless puts a positive spin on events, claiming that although only 700-800 houses were built by March 1668, it is a 'good and great progress, all things considered' (meaning all the obstacles that people have had to overcome).

  • Measurements

    W 108 mm; H 168 mm

  • Materials


  • Last Updated



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