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    In Store

  • Circular medallion presented to the suffragette Diana Tyson on her release from prison. Inscribed: TO DIANA KATARINA TYSON/IN REMEMBERENCE OF FEB 24TH TO MARCH 24TH 1909. A TOKEN OF AFFECTION FROM THE NEW UNION. The medallion also includes a fastening bar attached to the medallion by a purple, white & green ribbon. The medallion was presented to Diana on her release from prison during a meeting of the Streatham branch of the Women's Social and Political Union by the New Union for Women's Suffrage. On the reverse is engraved the wing and cell number occupied by Diana during her term of imprisonment. Diana, her sister Leonora and mother Helen became members of the Women's Social and Political Union in 1908. On 24th February 1909 Diana and her Mother, Helen were among the 25 Suffragettes arrested and imprisoned for taking part in a WSPU deputation to the House of Commons led by Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence.

  • Measurements

    H 80 mm; L 53 mm

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