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About this object

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  • Location:

    In Store

  • Photograph of a group of suffragettes. Handwritten on the back is ‘Lewisham W.S.P.U. 1907-1918. In the garden of 'Yoroshi', Ravensbourne Park, Lewisham. Back row Left to right: Miss Nellie Leigh, Mrs S.J.. Llewhellin, Miss Trill, Miss G. Trill, Second row: Miss C. Lambert, Miss C. Townsend, Miss H.M. Townsend, Miss Samson, Front row: Miss Florence May, Miss C. Campbell (now Mrs Kay), Miss E. Llewhellin and niece Pinkie, Miss O. Llewhellin, Miss E. Warwick, Miss V.A. Long'. The banner behind the women is held at the Museum of London. In 1913 Miss Campbell was secretary of the Lewisham branch of the Women’s Social and Political Union. Caroline Townsend was joint honorary secretary. She was sentenced to a month in Holloway prison for participating in a deputation to the House of Commons. Hannah Townsend was a teacher who helped to found the Women Teachers’ Franchise Union. She also subscribed to the WSPU. Olive Llewhellin appears on the ‘Roll of Honour of Suffragette Prisoners 1905-1914’, a list compiled by the Suffragette Fellowship in around 1950.

  • Measurements

    H 88 mm; W 113 mm

  • Materials


  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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