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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • This postcard, showing the arrest of a militant Suffragette was one in a series of photographic postcards depicting 'typical scenes of London life in the early 20th century'. The fact that the arrest of a suffragette was chosen as a subject for the series reflects the impact the Suffragette campaign had on London life and society between 1906 and 1914. The message on the reverse of the postcard is not entirely sympathetic to the campaign and refers to Suffragettes as the 'shriekin mob' . The claim by anti-suffragists that Suffragettes were hysterical, shrieking females was widely used to discredit the campaign.

  • Measurements

    H 85 mm; W 135 mm

  • Materials

    card; ink

  • Last Updated



Record quality:

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Not every record in Collections Online is complete. Some have low quality images designed purely for recognition, while some have been catalogued only to a basic standard. This graphic is designed to give you an impression of the quality of data you can see. 100% meets all our current data standards and has a high quality image, 20% is a basic record with no image. Individual record quality can change over time as new photography is carried out and records are worked on.