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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    Medieval; late 13th-14th century

  • Location:

    In Store

  • Leather knife sheath with a wing or extension to one side and impressed decoration on both front and back. Both the front and back are divided into panels with horizontal and vertical impressed lines. On the front these panels hold five heraldic shields. The top shield has three lions or leopards, the next has a lion rampant, the next a fesse between 3 martlets(?), the following a foliated cross and the last (and smallest as it lies towards the tip) either horizontal or diagonal lines. The back has similar panels but only one shield, approximately half way along its length. The form of this heraldic device is not decipherable. There is a side of centre seam with edge/grain stitch holes. There are two suspension slots to the side for a thong or cord. The sheath is now in two pieces. This sheath was made for a knife with a long, narrow blade.

  • Measurements

    L (overall) 224 mm; W 40 mm

  • Materials


  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London

  • Related Group

    Leather sheaths and scabbards


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