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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Surveillance image depicting Suffragette prisoners exercising in the yard of Holloway jail. The prisoners are identified on the reverse of the photo from left to right as Margaret Scott, Jane Short (the alias used by Rachel Peace) May [Margaret] McFarlane and Olive Hockin. This was one in a series of surveillance images taken by an undercover photographer hiding in a van parked in the yard. The photographs were commissioned by the Home Office and distributed widely to public buildings including museums and galleries to prevent the miltants entering premises and causing damage. It is likely the image was taken in June 1913 when all four Suffragettes were serving terms of imprisonment in Holloway for various offences.
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  • Measurements

    H 90 mm; W 68 mm

  • Materials


  • Last Updated



Record quality:

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Not every record in Collections Online is complete. Some have low quality images designed purely for recognition, while some have been catalogued only to a basic standard. This graphic is designed to give you an impression of the quality of data you can see. 100% meets all our current data standards and has a high quality image, 20% is a basic record with no image. Individual record quality can change over time as new photography is carried out and records are worked on.