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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    Late Medieval; c. 1410

  • Location:

    In Store

  • This carved panel, made of elmwood, is part of the front of a chest - the recess for a lock can be seen top left. It is carved with scenes from the story told by Geoffrey Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales as 'The Pardoner's Tale'. Three friends find a hoard of treasure, and fall out over the division of it. The panel shows one buying wine for the others, in which he puts poison; the other two attack him and stab him to death; then they sit down and drink the poisoned wine. The moral of the story is 'radix malorum est cupiditas' - 'greed is the root of evil'.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    H 488 mm; W 985 mm; D 35 mm; WT 7 kg (overall)

  • Materials

    wood; elm

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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