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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • The arrest of a suffragette who had attempted to reach the royal coach during the Royal Wedding Procession, October 1913. A full media report of the event is typed on the reverse of the photograph. It reads 'Royal Couple Married. Woman's Dash for Coach of King and Queen. As the coach in which were the King and Queen was proceeding along the Mall on its way to the chapel, a woman broke through the lines of police and made a dash for the coach. Two constables just overtook her as she got alongside. She is stated to have had one foot on the step, and had lifted up her right hand, which contained a bundle of papers when one of the constables gripped her wrist and with his other arm caught her round the waist and pulled her away. In the custody of the two officers, and followed by several detectives, she was escorted through the crowd, who loudly hissed her, and taken to Cannon Row Police Station'.

  • Measurements

    H 104 mm; W 155 mm

  • Materials


  • Last Updated



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