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    In Store

  • Indian suffragettes on the Women's Coronation Procession of 17 June 1911. The small Indian contingent was organised by Mrs Jane Fisher Unwin (the daughter of Richard Cobden). She and other representatives of the WSPU contacted Indian women living in the UK in the weeks leading up to the procession, organised the decorations and the collection of subscriptions for the elephant banner that cost between £4 and £5. The India procession was part of the 'Imperial Contingent' and intended to show the strength of support for women's suffrage throughout the Empire. To the left of the banner is Lolita Roy, dressed in white. Lolita moved from India to Hammersmith, London with her children in 1901. A supporter of female suffrage in India she became President of the London Indian Union Society. One of young women in the image is Lolita's daughter, Mrs. Leilavati Mukerjea. On the far left, holding the elephant symbol is Mrs Bhagwati Bhola Nauth.
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  • Measurements

    H 119 mm; W 165 mm (paper)

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  • Last Updated



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