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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • The mosaic has survived almost intact. The few missing sections have been restored. It is in two sections: one square, the other semi-circular so as to fit into an apse or semi-circular end to the room. In the square portion, an interlaced guilloche ring borders a central stylized flower. Outside this are two interlocking squares of guilloche, and the whole area is bordered by a further guilloche frame. Stylized floral motifs and acanthus buds are placed in each corner. Between the two main areas of decoration lies a band with a scroll motif of leaves and a central floral pelta. A guilloche border surrounds the apsidal or semi-circular end, enclosing a semi-circle of shaded scale pattern and also a scallop shell. The design, which consists of red, white, yellow, black and green tesserae is surrounded by a plain red border.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    L 5030 mm; W 2990 mm [measured 04.03.2019] (overall)

  • Materials

    ceramic; stone; mortar

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


Record quality:

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