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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    c.1635-39; possibly a little later

  • Location:

    In Store

  • This cider glass has a flute-shaped bowl and is diamond point engraved with the Royal Arms and the arms of the Scudamore family: three stirrups within lozenge-shaped escutcheon linked by festoons of fruit and flowers, with below, a stag beside a gate and five trees (three lopped and one a stump) and the letter S (for Scudamore) repeated three times. The trees are probably apple trees, since Scudamore had extensive cider apple orchards at Holme Lacy, his estate in Herefordshire. The stump is probably a grafted redstreak apple on to a root stock, and the lopped trees represent the early stages of pruning and training. By the 1660s cider production at Holme Lacy was a large-scale enterprise. A single redstreak apple tree could produce 300 gallons of cider a year, and by the end of 1667, ten boxes of cider weighing over 55 cwt were sent to London, the carriage alone costing more than £16.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    H 368 mm; DM 132 (overall)

  • Materials


  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    The Garton Collection of English Glass, presented in memory of the late Sir Richard Garton, G.B.E., by his Daughters and Grandchildren


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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