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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Gauntlet glove in soft white kidskin. Gauntlet cut separately and joined at wrist. Hand made from two layers of leather, upper one exceptionally fine and soft. Not cut in usual way having main seam running from base of forefinger, round thumb and down wrist; this seam largely concealed by two inset decorative bands running round thumb and filling space between it and gauntlet. Gauntlet has two layers of slightly thicker leather with some form of interlining and lining of deep pink silk, trimmed with fringe of silver-gilt thread bound with cream silk. Wrists and inset band outlined with narrow (3mm) braids of plaited silver-gilt thread; bands embroidered with silver-gilt thread and purl in laid and couched work, partially padded. Ground originally scattered with tiny spangles of which only one or two remain. Scrolling stems enclose stylised flowerheads. Gauntlet outlined down open side and along lower edge with flat loops of couched silver-gilt thread, with a large silver-gilt spot within each loop. Main part of gauntlet contains large carnation flower with curving, leafy stems to either side, partially padded. Coil is laid over padding of pink silk thread with produces shaded effect. Only one or two spangles, which once decorated ground now remain. Marks on left hand glove indicate that the figers werw decorated with loops and spots of silver-gilt thread, mathcing the broder pattern of the gauntlet. Near identical pair of gloves is in collection of Worshipful Company of Glovers; see: Valerie Cumming, 'Gloves', Batsford Costume Accessories Series, 1982, fig. 8. Illus.: Zillah Halls, 'Men's costumes 1580-1750', Museum of London, 1970, fig. 3C.

  • Measurements

    L 320 mm; L 35 mm (fringe); W 95 mm (palm) (overall)

  • Materials

    leather; silk; gold; silver

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    Seymour Lucas Collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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