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  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Two-piece day dress of pale silver-grey silk, warp printed with a design of branches covered in leaves and flowers. These are in varying shades of light mauve and deep lilac, with fawn overprinting in grey, giving a greenish colour. The pleated frills which trim the edges of the open sleeves and the bodice are in sage green silk taffeta to match the inverted V shaped pleated inserts at the hem. Fawn braid trims both bodice and hem and the bow at the neckline is in pale greeny-grey silk ribbon. Engageantes of embroidered lawn or broderie anglaise would have been worn under the open sleeves. the bodice is lined with fine white silk. The arm hole is piped with 1/16 inch cord. The sleeves, as described in 'Le Follet' July 1860, are 'lined with white and bordered with a little white ruche'. This ruche is made of 1 1/8 inch wide pleated silk ribbon.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    L 330 mm (centre front); L 240 mm (centre front, to waist); L (back) 564 mm; L 350 mm (centre back, to waist); L 210 mm (centre back to end of bustle); L 105 mm (centre back to end of bone); L 170 mm (bone, centre back); L (sleeve) 410 mm; C 980 mm (chest); C 600 mm (waist); W 480 mm (shoulder), L 260 mm (sleeve to ruching), L 540 mm (overall); W 440 mm (armpit to armpit) (overall)

  • Materials

    silk; whalebone; metal

  • Last Updated



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