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  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Welsh Suffragettes in national costume taking part in the Women's Coronation Procession, 17 June 1911. The Welsh women marched between contingents of Scottish and Irish Suffragettes in the Imperial Pageant section of the Procession. The Welsh contingent was organised by Edith Mansell-Moulin. A week before the Procession Edith provided an update for the arrangements in the Votes for Women newspaper. In her report she reminds women to attend the last choir practice and asks for volunteers to distribute handbills promoting the event at Welsh Chapel services. She also refers to the donation of a Welsh goat and appeals for a volunteer to meet the goat at Paddington Station and fed and house it until the procession.

  • Measurements

    H 166 mm; W 218 mm

  • Materials


  • Last Updated



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