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About this object

  • Maker:

    Connell, Adelin Beatrice

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Postcard with photographic portrait of Edith Craig. Edith Craig was the daughter of Ellen Terry and her partner the architect Edward Godwin. She worked in the theatre as an actress, director and costumier. Craig belonged to a number of suffrage societies, both militant and non-militant. She sold the Women's Social and Political Union newspaper 'Votes for Women' at a regular pitch outside Eustace Miles Restaurant. Although Edith supported militant tactics she never undertook law-breaking militant acts. She was a member of the Suffrage Atelier, and staged the Women's Freedom League's contingent in the procession of 18 June 1910. With Laurence Housman, she designed the western section of the 23rd July 1910 suffrage procession with a Roman theme. Craig was also a member of the Actresses' Franchise League and produced 'How the Vote Was Won' for the WSPU Exhibition at Prince's Skating Rink in May 1909. She also directed 'A Pageant of Great Women', by Cicely Hammond, at the Scala Theatre in 1909, in which she played the role of Rosa Bonheur. In 1911 Craig broke with the AFL to establish her own theatre company the Pioneer Players, which promoted women's plays and other progressive works.
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  • Measurements

    H 135 mm; W 84 mm

  • Materials

    card; ink

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London

  • Related Person

    Connell, Adelin Beatrice (photographer)


Record quality:

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