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About this object

  • Maker:

    Thomson, John

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    c. 1877

  • Location:

    In Store

  • This photograph of a young Italian street musician was taken by John Thomson and published in Street Life in London. The text accompanying the image includes the following description of the harpist 'His parents have long been established in England, and have a regular home at Deptford...One of the daughters plays the fiddle admirably, and the young son is equally skilful with the harp. He has only been in England about two years, and can already speak English fluently. He is described throughout the neighbourhood, where he is known to every one, as a charming boy, whose amiable disposition, modest bearing, and musical talents ensure him success wherever he may present himself...His clothes are ample, neat, and clean, his purse well-filled, for his earnings almost equal those of a skilled artisan, though he is but a boy, and he has far more right to public support and sympathy, in exchange for the good and simple melodies he brings to the doors of the poor, than, for instance, the great majority of singers who lower the taste and degrade the morals of the audiences at our Music Halls'.

  • Measurements

    H 270 mm; L 208 mm (album page), H 90 mm; L 114 mm (photograph)

  • Materials

    machine-made wove paper

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London

  • Related Group

    Photographers London


Record quality:

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Not every record in Collections Online is complete. Some have low quality images designed purely for recognition, while some have been catalogued only to a basic standard. This graphic is designed to give you an impression of the quality of data you can see. 100% meets all our current data standards and has a high quality image, 20% is a basic record with no image. Individual record quality can change over time as new photography is carried out and records are worked on.