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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:


  • Location:

    In Store

  • Circular ball puzzle with glass cover and tinplate frame commemorating the second Anglo-Boer war. Beneath the glass is an embossed colour lithographed portrait of the South African Boer leader Paul Kruger with five circular holes pressed into his lips. The object of the game is to simultaneously place all 5 white metal balls into the holes. Manufactured in Germany the game is titled 'Oom Paul gets his teeth drawn' and has the patent number DRGM No 116760 - standing for Deutsches Reiches-Gebrauchs Muster which signified a second grade or utility patent expiring after three to six years. The souvenir was purchased for one penny (1d) by Ernest King from a London street trader. The second Anglo-Boer war began in October 1899. Souvenir manufacturers were quick to take advantage of the patriotic fervour that gripped the UK during the war by issuing a range of cheap, mass produced souvenirs commemorating British heroes and satirising the enemy. Interestingly this souvenir was manufactured in Germany by a toymaking firm that recognised the commercial value of catering specifically for the British market.

  • Measurements

    DM 63 mm; H 10 mm (overall), DM 67 mm; D 10 mm (overall)

  • Materials

    glass; tinplate; card; metal

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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