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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    1649; mid 17th century

  • Location:

    In Store

  • Silver heart-shaped locket in two halves. There is an inscription on one side: 'Quis temperit/ A lacrymis/ January 30/ 1648' (meaning ‘Who can refrain from tears’) over an eye shedding three tears. On the other side is another inscription: 'I live and dy/ in loyaltye' over an engraved heart pierced by two arrows. On one side of the inside is a raised portrait of Charles I with an engraved letter 'K' underneath. On the other side is an inscription: 'I morne for/ monerchie' above an eye shedding four tears. The locket would have been made to commemorate the king’s death by execution on 30 January 1649. Jewels with the king’s initials or portrait were circulated among Royalist supporters. Some were produced to inspire devotion but many were issued after his death with inscriptions: ‘Remember’ or ‘Prepared be to follow me’.

  • Measurements

    H 23 mm; W 19 mm (overall)

  • Materials


  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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