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About this object

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  • Location:

    In Store

  • Designed by Hartnell for Lady Jowitt when presented at Court following her husband's appointment as Attorney General. Court Presentations were stopped during the First World War but recommenced in 1921. The occasion required gowns which were glamorous but conformed to court dress regulations. In this stunning silk and gauze gown, Hartnell has used beads and embroidery to create an effect of winter snow. At court it would have been worn with a train and a feather headdress. Hartnell's reputation as a society couturier developed through the 1920s and in 1935 he was asked to design for a member of the royal family. He made the wedding dress for Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-Scott for her marriage to the Duke of Gloucester, and in due course he became a much favoured dressmaker to Queen Mary, the Queen Mother, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. His crowning achievement was to design the Queen's coronation dress in 1953.  < ...Read more

  • Measurements

    L 1350 mm, W 420 mm (bust)

  • Materials

    silk; glass; metal

  • Last Updated





    permanent collection


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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