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About this object

  • ID:


  • Production date:

    Medieval; late Medieval; 15th century

  • Location:

    In Store

  • Wooden patten. This was a type of overshoe worn to raise the foot above ground during wet weather. Medieval shoes were rarely fully waterproof so they needed extra protection in wet conditions. Also, walking in mud or snow in flat medieval shoes would have been unpleasant and difficult so pattens were worn to give more grip. Some Londoners wore pattens directly over their hose as a fashionable 'open sandal'. In the 14th century pattens were often quite decorative, which suggests they were worn by wealthy people. By the 15th century, pattens became more common and were worn by the population in general.

  • Measurements

    L 260 mm; W 65 mm; D 28 mm (overall)

  • Materials

    wood; leather; iron

  • Last Updated





    archaeological archive


    digital image copyright Museum of London


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